I burned my hand while cooking last night. This is how I treated it:
1. Cold water
2. Aloe juice from an aloe plant in my kitchen (very handy – highly recommend having one in your home, low maintenance plant too)
3. Lightstim red light therapy – I shone the light on the area to reduce the inflammation as quickly as possible. Healing wounds is another use for this tool.
4. Antibiotic ointment on a blister – for the most part, the burn was first degree (skin was red). But a small part was second degree (it blistered).
5. Dermalogica Ultracalming Serum Concentrate on the first degree burn a few hours later
6. Circadia by Dr. Pugliese Tranquili Cream (over the serum) – this has SEA WHIP, a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient.
7. Band-aid over the blister before bed – applied ointment first, then the band-aid, to keep the wound moist. This minimizes scarring.
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