Desperate times call for desperate measures 🙂

These are comedone‬ extractors in various shapes and sizes. I turn to these tools only as a last resort.

Today, I have an impaction (hardened ‪‎clog‬) in the middle of my cheek. It’s stuck in there and won’t come out with exfoliation, acid treatments, or manual ‪‎extractions‬.

It’s too hard, and the skin on this part of the cheek is very soft. There is no bone (the spot is located under my cheekbone), so it’s harder to squeeze the skin here for manual extractions.

I have a skin type that is very prone to post-inflammatory‬‪ ‎hyperpigmentation. If there is too much rough handling of my skin, it will spot very easily. And that dark spot will stick around forever.




So rather than force a manual extraction, I will use one of these comedone extractors VERY CAREFULLY. It can damage the skin if not used correctly or pressed too hard.

This kind of tool should only be used by an esthetician or if you have been trained on how to use it correctly.

If you have a loop (the tool that has a hole on the end), do not use it to pop pimples or whiteheads! This is only for a blackhead, which already has an opening where the clog can come out.