Anti Irritant Ingredients
Anti irritant ingredients are used in skin care to soothe and calm skin.
Some of them happen to be anti-inflammatory as well. You might recognize some of these from the list of anti-inflammatory ingredients.
The most common anti irritant ingredients are: aloe, arnica, chamomile, cucumber, menthol, mugwort, oat, and zinc oxide.
Common Anti Irritants in Skin Care
- Allantoin
- Aloe
- Arnica
- Avocado
- Balm Mint
- Burdock
- Camphor
- Castor
- Chamomile
- Comfrey
- Cornflower
- Cucumber
- Geranium (may cause allergies in some people)
- Hops
- Mallow
- Menthol
- Mugwort
- Oat / Oatmeal
- Passionflower
- Raspberry
- Rose Hips
- Sage
- Sandalwood
- Tea Tree
- Yucca
- Zinc Oxide
There are many more botanical ingredients with potential soothing effects that are not on this list.