Mitochondria. What in the world is that? Your Body’s Source of Energy.

Mitochondria are bean-shaped structures inside every cell of your body (the green pods in the picture). ALL ENERGY is produced here. They’re your energy factories.

Mitochondria play a big role in aging but are rarely talked about in the beauty industry. Perhaps because this is considered too “science-y” for the average consumer.

But don’t let that intimidate you. I will explain it in plain English and make this as short as possible.

Mitochondria and Skin Aging

What does energy production have to do with aging? A lot. Here’s what happens.

#1.  Cells produce energy in the mitochondria. (This requires Oxygen.)

#2.  The process of producing energy also generates free radicals.

#3.  Those free radicals attack the mitochondria’s DNA.

#4.  The mitochondria is slowly damaged over time. They get old 🙁

#5.  Damaged mitochondria produce less energy.

#6.  Less energy means less energy for DNA repair.

#7.  DNA that does not get repaired leads to SKIN AGING.

The great irony is that mitochondria is vital to life. But in producing energy to keep us going, mitochondria get old, and that causes us to age.

What can we do? We can optimize cellular energy production. And that will be the subject of a post later this week.