How are you protecting your lips in the winter?

Let’s do a survey! What kind of lip balm do you prefer to put on your lips?

1⃣ STICK – like the ones in the photo

2⃣ TUBE – you squeeze the balm out & apply it with your finger

3⃣ PAN – you dip your finger into a shallow pot

4⃣ BALL TIP WITH A HOLE – you place the rounded tip directly on your lips, squeeze or unwind to release the balm, then rub over lips

5⃣ BRUSH – same thing as 4⃣ but has brush hairs instead of a rounded tip

My favorite is 2⃣. Let me know your favorite in the Comments.

p.s. – Before you freak out about Mineral Oil & Petrolatum, let me assure you that they are perfectly fine in lip balms. Both are controversial ingredients that are widely demonized, largely because they are misunderstood.

Stay tuned for an article about it later this week.


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