Few things to know about fragrance in skincare.
Fragrance is a vague ingredient – it can be anything. It is actually a *mixture* that may have natural oils, synthetic chemicals, antioxidants, solvents, and solubilizers. Manufacturers don’t have to tell you what’s in it. They can just say “Fragrance” at the end of an ingredient list.
While you might think that fragrance is added to give a product a certain scent, it is usually used to mask the smell of a mixture (usually not good). Some brands are more heavily scented due to cultural preferences (like French skincare).
When you see “Fragrance” on a label, assume it is synthetic (artificial) unless otherwise stated.
There are some issues with SYNTHETIC FRAGRANCE:
1). It may cause irritation. (So can natural fragrance if you are allergic to a specific ingredient in the plants.)
2). It can be photosensitizing. This means that if your skin is exposed to the sun, the fragrance may make your skin more sensitive.
3). It can lead to spots or excess pigmentation. For example, when you age, the decollete (upper chest) area is prone to spotting and browning. That’s the sun at work! Spraying perfume there makes it worse (if you’re in the sun). Better to spray perfume somewhere else on your body if you plan to be outdoors.
Watch out for artificial fragrance in after shave products and scented sunscreens too.